Creative Advertisements

After six days of work, work and work, finally a Sunday. I decide to roam around the city to get away from all the work crankiness. Bangalore as you would know or even if you don’t, has the largest number of shopping malls in India, so I thought of hanging out at one of those. My dad was reading the newspaper. I wanted to check out the sports page before stepping out, so I sort of snatched the newspaper from him of course without asking him.

Anyways, as always the first page was an Ad of a car, and I wasn’t interested and turned to the next. Suddenly I heard some sound as if someone was speaking on the radio. I checked my phone and searched over all over the place but I couldn’t find where the sound was coming from. So I couched back on my beanie with the paper but the sound started coming again. Damn!

It was actually coming from a small device that was attached to the newspaper. And as I opened the paper, a voice would start describing about the car which was on the first side of the paper. I took the paper and cranked everyone at the mall and they were like ‘what the fish?!!?’

Pretty crazy uh!

Filling the front page is not important but making everyone look at it is important I guess. Of course it’s been hot news in the same paper the bloody next day and it sets a new trend in advertising I suppose.

Anyways, these are some of the favourite ad busters that I find online and I’m gonna float them all in my blog whenever I find time!

Violation in Respiration

The poster itself perfectly shows that lungs are like the world green and smoking is like burning it. Awesome, I don’t know how people made it.

Fairless to Fairness

It shows that avoiding dark patches, pimples and those kinda stuff is simple as unzipping.

Feedback of a landmine

You can see that this small boy is writing a personal note as he is unable to play like other guys.

Colors around us

The best thing I like about this poster is the abstraction of different colours of threads used for stitching and the text used at the bottom.

My most favourite ad from the above is the third one showing the feel of a disabled child who lost his leg by a land mine and wants his leg back, made by an Ad agency named Publicis Mojo Auckland, New Zealand. The fourth one is a poster which has a colourful image of different colours of threads designed by Wordist. The best ad on the whole is the first poster, which conveys the information “Do Not Smoke”, well shown by WWF.

Look how creative they are! The most popular and trend setting things next to Movies are Advertisements and the people behind those advertisements are really known as the sons of Gods (Creators per se). 

My Ad collection for the week, thus and might come back with something more soon.