Feel It By Yourself

How can I miss to post such beautiful designs that I saw on the internet last Saturday. I was wondering how to present this to you, later I found what could be more fascinating than just to post these stuffs and letting you feel it by yourself.
Blue innovation
Designed by- Deviant Art

The striking blue creates a peppy party feel with minimal text.  
Wonder design
Designed by- Wordist

A slight shade of blue combined with white creates a peaceful and heavenly feeling that we will have on an Ayurvedic treatment.
Color play
 Designed by- Webneel

A colorful flyer design for a cool summer party conducted by Ikebana.
New thought
Designed By- Design You Trust

 A perfect image for freshness and the content is for donations.
 Designed by- Pdsbucket 

Creative art with half fresh and half staled ambiance to symbolize live and playback music.

Comment me how you felt.